Support Jane Goodall Institute France

Support Jane Goodall Institute France

Support Jane Goodall Institute France


Support Jane Goodall Institute France

About the Organization:

Jane Goodall Institute France is a global leader in community-based conservation, dedicated to advancing the pioneering vision and impactful work of Dr. Jane Goodall. Renowned as an icon in animal protection, an international activist, and a United Nations Messenger of Peace, Dr. Goodall’s legacy drives our mission.

By safeguarding chimpanzees and inspiring collective action to preserve our shared natural world, we enhance the well-being of people, animals, and the environment. Our ethos recognizes the interconnectedness of all life and empowers individuals to make a positive difference. Through focused efforts on tangible, long-term impacts, we provide hope and motivation for a better future.

Our overarching objective is to foster respect and compassion for all living beings, promote cross-cultural understanding, and empower every individual to take action in creating a healthier planet for animals, people, and the environment.


Operating in France and Africa, Jane Goodall Institute France is dedicated to conserving our shared environment for the benefit of humanity, wildlife, and ecosystems.

In East Africa and the Congo Basin, we collaborate with local communities to address their needs and mitigate threats to chimpanzee habitats. Our on-the-ground projects include soil regeneration, forest and mangrove restoration, and the establishment of ecological corridors. We are also actively involved in chimpanzee protection, both in sanctuaries and in the wild, as well as combating the despicable scourge of wildlife trafficking. Our holistic, community-centered approach ensures sustainable conservation efforts that empower and benefit local populations.

Research, scientific inquiry, conservation, and advocacy are central to our internationally recognized work, which spans diverse landscapes and ecosystems.

Additionally, our Roots & Shoots program plays a vital role in engaging youth worldwide. In the face of pressing global challenges such as geopolitics, climate change, and biodiversity loss, young people are empowered to take local action within their communities through practical initiatives. By thinking globally and acting locally, Roots & Shoots groups and young leaders witness firsthand the positive impact they can make.


How Organizations Can Support:

Organizations can support Jane Goodall Institute France by contributing to our holistic, long-term projects that yield sustainable impacts.

How Citizens Can Support:

Citizens can support Jane Goodall Institute France by volunteering, sharing our news and campaigns, making donations, or joining one of our Roots & Shoots groups.

How to contact the organization:

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